Rijo M. John Profile picture
PhD | Economist | Prof. @rajagiri.edu | Consultant to @WHO @WorldBank @TobaccoFreeKids @Tobacconomics | Former faculty @iitjodhpur

Jul 24, 2021, 6 tweets

Seroprevalence in #Kerala is 42.7% compared to 67.6% as per the note shared byGovt. of Kerala y'day. i.e., a difference of 25% points.

It implies, the pandemic spread in Kerala has stayed consistently well below the national avg. indicating a more flattened curve in Kerala.

Both 7-day avg. daily new cases & test positivity rates are on a steady rise in #Kerala as ~50% of the popn still remain susceptible.

Daily testing has been stable around 1.3L/day

The state needs to significantly increase its daily testing given the high & increasing TPR

Although the daily reported deaths have declined a bit, the mortality rate itself has been on the rise.

At 0.5%, it is higher than the previous wave.

Daily new cases are either rising or flat across all the districts.

A 7-day averaging could not smoothen the reported daily deaths which are fluctuating widely across many districts. This is not ideal.

This thread provides an explanation of why the cases in Kerala are still not falling while it has fallen in much of the rest of the country.

Cases continue to surge in Kerala with 18531 new cases reported today.

TPR has reduced due to increased testing at 1.56L.

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