Mable Jiang Profile picture
Beauty is truth; truth beauty. Growing @fslweb3 @gasheroofficial @mooarofficial @stepnofficial | HODLong 后浪 podcast | ex-@multicoincap

Jul 25, 2021, 13 tweets

0/ A full-house at @multicoincap’s friends event in Hangzhou - thank you all! The cohosts @helium @graphprotocol @streamingfastio @solana @ProjectSerum @ProjectGalaxyHQ @perpprotocol @dForcenet @MonteCarloDEX @saffronfinance_ @QilinProtocol @MathWallet & REALY are amazing!

1/ A huge thank-you’s to @ProjectGalaxyHQ for creating the NFT ticket for the event! Whoever showed up during the event was eligible for claiming this NFT to celebrate the moment :)

Drink Moutai (“Multi”) and be happy!…

2/ @helium’s presentation at this event:

3/ @ProjectGalaxyHQ’s presentation at this event:

4/ @perpprotocol’s presentation at this event:

5/ @dForcenet‘s presentation at this event

6/ @MonteCarloDEX‘s presentation at this event

7/ @graphprotocol’s presentation at this event

8/ @streamingfastio’s presentation at this event

9/ REALY’s presentation at this event

10/ @QilinProtocol’s presentation at this event:

11/ @solana’s presentation at this event:

12/ @saffronfinance_ 's presentation at this event

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