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Jul 26, 2021, 10 tweets

Dr. Edilberto De Jesus, a research fellow at the Ateneo School of Government, says Pres Rodrigo Duterte failed to deliver on his campaign promises of solving crime, corruption and illegal drug trade in PH within 2016 because it was "completely unrealistic."

If campaign promise to end crime, corruption, criminality in 6 mos was completely unrealistic, why did Filipinos fall for Duterte's promise? De Jesus says PH was in better position in 2016, people were hoping he would continue progress but we're slipping.

De Jesus on Sen. Manny Pacquiao's corruption allegations vs Duterte admin: "I have to say that the statements of Sen. Pacquiao are damaging because he has been a strong supporter of the President and this criticism, it must hurt the administration."

On Pres Duterte and family's refusal to release their SALNs and Ombudsman's decision to restrict access to SALN of public officials, De Jesus says transparency is very impt in fight vs corruption. "Transparency enables public to demand accountability."

Like other presidents, Duterte resorted to appointing KKKs (kaibigan, kamag-anak, ka-probinsya) but he has been less criticized for it. If appointments come from small circle, govt denies itself opportunity to get people with greater competence.

While nothing wrong with appointing retired military and police generals, De Jesus says military training not appropriate for all kinds of jobs. The job of the military is to face the enemy but ordinary citizens, in a pandemic, are not enemies of military.

De Jesus says the drug war policy, which started in the US and exported to other countries, failed and PH has not taken advantage of lessons. Drug problem not just criminality issue but also a public health and poverty problem.

PCOO, PNP came out with figures touting drug war achievements. Enough to offset 6,117 killed during drug operations? De Jesus says President himself in 2018 said he won't be able solve drug problem within his term. No need to recall incomplete figures.

Are we better off now or worse than where we were in 2016?

De Jesus says we are not better off in terms of perception of corruption, competitiveness, equality/inclusive devt...That we did not improve means we slid down. Numbers show that.

Full #ANCRundown interview here:

Read article here: 'Completely unrealistic': Duterte failed to deliver on campaign promises - research fellow

#ANCRundown M-F 7-8am

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