Steve Milloy Profile picture
'Perhaps the most influential climate science contrarian' (Nature). Trump EPA transition. Biostat. Atty. Fund mgr. FOX News contrib. Founder,

Jul 26, 2021, 8 tweets

.@MichaelEMann (comically) points out that climate model failure to predict extreme weather bolsters their credibility. 1/…

Here is @MichaelEMann's statement to Reuters. 2/

As to Mann's claims that climate model temperature predictions are in line with reality:

1987: NASA’s James Hansen predicts world 3C warmer by 2020.

2020 Reality: Average temp only 0.44C higher. 3/…

As to Mann's claim that this summer's extreme weather is climate change:

There is no trend in days above 99F in the Pacific Northwest.… 4/

From @DaveAtherton20 on German flooding:

"This is Bad Schandau, which was at the centre of the recent floods in Germany. It seems former floods have been far worse in the 18th & 19th centuries." 5/

As to flooding in China, the local met office reports that August 1975 flooding was essentially the same.… 6/

Don't forget that the June 2021 average global temp was below the 30-year average...

... about the same temp as 1987 when atmospheric CO2 was at the climate bedwetter-determined global ideal level of 350 ppm.

Not possible to blame any sort of weather on 'global warming.' 7/

No trend in Indian monsoon rainfall from 1871-2017.… 8/

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