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Editor-in-chief @bhekisisa_MG. Subscribe to our newsletter: https://t.co/WHFq7od7w4 Bluesky: @miamalan.bsky.social

Jul 27, 2021, 8 tweets

[Thread] 1. What % of SA adults have now been fully vaccinated + with which jab?

Fully vaccinated adults (people of 18+) = 6.1%
- 3.1% have been fully vaccinated with #JnJ (they had 1 shot)
- 3% have been fully vaccinated with #Pfizer (they had 2 shots)

(3.1% + 3% = 6.1%)

2. How are provinces doing with full vaccinations?
Limpopo (8.5%), KZN (7.5%) and the Eastern Cape (7.2%) are leading the way, proportion-wise.

But when it comes to numbers, Gauteng (549 421) and KZN (543 580) have the highest number of fully vaccinated adults.

3. How do you work out how many people have been fully vaccinated? @healthza has a dashboard: bit.ly/3y9JEJV

Total full vaccinations =
#JnJ shots (1, 242, 236, you need 1 shot) + #Pfizer 2nd shots (1, 194, 931, you need 2 shots) = 2, 437 167

4. How do you calculate the proportion of adults (people of 18+) who have been fully vaccinated?

Fully vaccinated adults = 2, 437, 167
18+ population in SA (acc to @StatsSA) = 40, 121, 520

% fully vaccinated = (2, 437, 167 ÷ 40, 121, 520) x 100 = 6,07% = 6.1% (rounded off)

5. Does the 6, 613, 704 (by the end of Jul 26) on @healthza's dashboard mean 6, 613, 704 people have been vaccinated?

No. The 6, 613, 704 refers to doses administered, not people.

By Jul 26, 1, 194, 931 doses were 2nd Pfizer doses (those people had also received 1st doses).

6. How many people had received at least 1 dose of #JnJ or #Pfizer by 26 Jul?

6, 613, 704 (total doses) - 1, 194, 931 (Pfizer 2nd doses) = 5, 418, 773

Why? The people who had received Pfizer 2nd doses have had 2 shots, so we can't double count them.

7. What % of people in SA have received 1 dose of #Pfizer?
(You need 2 doses, but already get a significant amount of protection [94%] @ hospitalisation) about 2 weeks after 1 shot (study = bit.ly/2WpGC6x)

1. Nationally: 10.4%
2. EC: 13.9%
3. WC: 13.3%
4. LP: 12.4%

8. Who can get vaccinated against #COVID19 in SA? Anyone of 18 years and older (our COVID vaccines are currently not approved for use by anyone younger than 18).

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