Eric Topol Profile picture
physician-scientist, author, editor. Ground Truths:

Jul 28, 2021, 6 tweets

Very important @NEJM paper today on breakthrough infections (BTI) post-vaccination in Israeli health care workers.
5 key points:
1. Of ~1500 people, 0.4% had BIs, sequenced to be Alpha 85% (this was pre-Delta)…

2. All these BTIs were mild (67%) or without symptoms (33%), done due to routine testing. No hospitalizations.

3. 7 of 36 (19% ) of BTIs had "persistent symptoms" > 6 weeks. Table below
An indicator for the potential of #LongCovid in BTIs in a few of these people at > 6 weeks, but that's a very limited and early time for assessment.

4. There were NO secondary attacks, no indication of transmission of BTIs.
5. The neutralizing antibody levels in the people with BTIs were lower than matched controls, raising the question of need for a booster dose. Unsettled.

#LongCovid from breakthrough infections?
We needed time to determine whether they can occur post-vaccination. This is the 1st report I've seen that suggests that can occur, a preliminary assessment.
All this pertains to Alpha, not Delta, which, of course, will not be as favorable

More insight on this @npr by @robsteinnews who spoke with the senior author @G_RegevY on their findings… @npratc #LongCovid

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