Subhadip Nandy Profile picture
Options Mastery : Systematic Options :

Jul 29, 2021, 10 tweets

Markets are dynamic, so your analysis should also be dynamic ( change as new data comes in)

BNF now

see the MFI attempting upside breakout before price. So now if price breaks out , that will be a confirmation

I am ready now for an upside spike

Cross of 34720 should lead to a sharp upmove
( see the charts shared, you will understand this level)

anytime now

MFI gave a breakout, but no confirmation from price. 34720 was simply the last swing high. Whatever the indicators say, this is why price confirmation is necessary

Now MFI values too low to short ( despite trendline breakdown). MFI is now oversold.
So, no trade. we wait

The code being used ( if you are new to my timeline)…

This is where TA is art. Normally, breakdown in both, so a sell. But MFI values were oversold, selling would have lead to trapped or getting stopped out

this is what I am seeing

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