Sean Beckner-Carmitchel Profile picture
Los Angeles Videographer. Writer.

Jul 30, 2021, 10 tweets

Good evening! I’m OTG at the Getty House / Mayor’s Mansion, where activists are planning to protest the signing of amendment 41.18, which would prohibit prohibit "sitting, lying, or sleeping or storing, using, maintaining, or placing personal property in the public right-of-way."

Seeing some unmarked cars patrolling the area and one vehicle just parked inside the lot.

@SvenAntifaCat is here, greeting photographers.

3 LAPD Officers are here, asked for hi organized the protest. Jeering from the crowd in response.

Crowd getting a bit louder now, yelling “F* Garcetti / he’s f*ing up our city”

Lieutenant clarifying some of the rules for protesting the Mansion. I’m no expert, but I’d say there very little likelihood of the group remaining 100 feet away.

3 LAPD officers stationed at the Mayor’s Mansion approached the crowd, then left as protestors jeered them.

LAPD officers now fully away, outside of the helicopter above and unmarked vehicle inside the lot.

Things written in paint and marker, seeing some signs which say “F* Garcetti Arm The Houseless,” “Housing Is A Human Right.” Some garbage poured in the front lawn.

Some TP strewn throughout the front lawn. Signing off for the night.

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