Hannah Davis Profile picture
Research, algorithmic music, machine learning, anti-bias in AI data. #LongCovid research & advocacy @patientled. they/them. DMs rarely checked

Jul 30, 2021, 11 tweets

This seems to be the leaked data the CDC used to change the mask mandate this week:


There's a lot to dig in here but a few things that jump out about Delta particularly:


Delta objectively spreads faster than the original COVID strain. The original strain was less transmissible than polio & smallpox; Delta is more transmissible than those as well as Ebola, MERS, SARS, & the Spanish Flu.

Delta is *as* transmissible as chicken pox.


Delta is associated with a higher viral load and longer duration of shedding.


A big one: breakthrough cases from Delta may be as transmissible as unvaccinated cases.


Data suggesting that Delta may cause more severe disease.


Some preliminary data show that the vaccines may be less protective against non-hospitalized symptomatic infections of Delta. (This is bad news & will likely mean more #LongCOVID cases.)


From the CDC's model, Delta cannot be controlled without universal masking!

This seems to be where their change in policy is coming from.


Finally, a list of much needed changes to public communication from the CDC, including to "acknowledge the war has changed". Delta is different & concerning, and vaccinated individuals still are at risk.


In short: we are not through the woods, and the CDC's de-masking recommendations came too early.

Everyone should return to masking & should be aware that being vaccinated can't be the sole means of protection on its own, but instead used alongside other precautions.


Vaccinated individuals are less likely to be hospitalized & die, but with Delta they risk transmitting COVID to others, including unvaccinated kids (who seem to be at greater risk from Delta).

They also remain at risk of contracting #LongCOVID from breakthrough infections.


A very relevant thread to end on:


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