Sean Beckner-Carmitchel Profile picture
Los Angeles Videographer. Writer.

Jul 31, 2021, 14 tweets

Good evening! There’s yet another anti mask demonstration outside Harlowe in West Hollywood, which have been going on for several days. As they prepared, there were several crackles that sounded like tasers. Yesterday, the group sent @VPS_Reports to the emergency room.

Here’s a thread with several overlapping videos showing him being surrounded, chased, pushed and struck.

Seeing several in tactical vests, several weopon pouches, several knives among the anti vaccine group. Several obstructing their faces with umbrellas and flag gaiters. Several “lookie loos” nearby.

One of the anti-mask protestors currently walking around with a sign that says “Vaccine passport - No No” and a Star of David.

My mistake- here’s the link.

A car plastered with various COVID-related conspiracies is parked nearby.

Group beginning to get more aggressive: putting signs in the camera and face of a @N2Sreports videographer.

Members of the group began running towards me, several armed. Seeing some brass knuckles. Backed into the first open door available, which happened to be a Trader Joe’s. Several followed inside, several other photogs were ended up inside. Many in the crowd waiting outside.

Large group remaining outside.

Slipped out the back door, and am to safety.

Anti-maskers still outside as of about 9:15.

Spoke w/ Lt. Aguirre of LASD WeHo. (1) Asked if they’ve heard complaints:
“Received mainly noise complaints, received isolated reports from the public involving possible acts of violence but haven’t been able to confirm that yet”

Spoke w/ Lt. Aguirre of LASD WeHo. (2) Asked why Unlawful Assembly was called last night (the night @VPS_Reports was hospitalized from injuries), “there were reports of assaults with pepper spray. A person from one group assaulted protestors from another group.”

Spoke w/ Lt. Aguirre of LASD WeHo. (3) Asked if there has been reports of press members being threatened or assaulted: “Not that I’m aware of. “

Asked about Trader Joe’s earlier today? “We were told it was uneventful”

This video was sent my way. It does appear as though it was taken today, based on the clothing of many of the participants matching earlier today and would have occurred at dusk. Not sure what happened earlier as the source is down but the man is kicked and pushed into a tree.

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