Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Aug 2, 2021, 22 tweets

Smoking Gun Thread 1/

Most people have not yet grasped the importance of July 30

That date is when the TRAJECTORY changed on Trump path to prison

And more importantly, it is a major milestone in how eventually the nation will be CURED of Trumpism, magamadness & #Cult45

Smoking Gun Thread 2/

We who are not part of Trump cult, have seen it all happening and knew Trump is a serial con artist, running a scam, there was no voter fraud, he tried to stage a coup d'etat to hold onto power etc.

WE KNOW THIS. But there was plausible deniability

Smoking Gun Thread 3/

Up to July 29, 2021, the Trump team & those who side with him, could cling to plausible deniability strategy

They could claim that Trump HIMSELF did not launch the attack. This could in court be claimed as a victim defense. The rioters misunderstood Trump

Smoking Gun Thread 4/

Do not ARGUE this point with me. WE KNOW what is the truth. I am saying what THEIR SIDE could claim up to 29 July, 2021, on Fox, and by all corrupt defenders of Trump like Qevin McCarthy, Gym Jordan, Statutory Gaetz, Boebert = Gohmert, & Marjorie Three Toes

Smoking Gun Thread 5/

That defense crumbled on Friday. Two TOPMOST attorneys at Department of Justice, the Acting Attorney General of the United States, and his immediate deputy AG, heard the President identify planners of a coup d'etat, IN CONGRESS, and that THERE WAS NO fraud

Smoking Gun Thread 6/

Trump and Republicans cannot claim this is a partisan witch hunt, when a Republican President confesses to HIS appointed (acting) Attorney General, fellow Republican, that three Republican members of Congress are with him on a coup d'etat IN DECEMBER

Smoking Gun Thread 7/

So Trump, a Republican President, confesses this to a Republican AG, while the Republican is the President, and the Republicans still control the Senate. It takes out 'partisan' in the claim of witch hunt. Because this happened WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT

Smoking Gun Thread 8/

Secondly. The witches. Are NAMED. We know there are more in Congress who participated in this plot to overturn the election, deny the vote of 81 million voters & make Trump King. Now we have a smoking gun, identifying three IN CONGRESS who plotted with him

Smoking Gun Thread 9/

These 3 will be known as traitors, together with Trump, in history books:

Corrupt R. Congressman House Rep Jim 'Gym' Jordan (OH)

Corrupt R. Congressman House Rep Scott Perry (PA)

Corrupt R. Congressman Senator Ron Johnson (WI)

Smoking Gun Thread 10/

The correct course of action, for any Congressman who had sworn his oath to defend the Constitution, was at the FIRST mention of a coup, to report the other traitors to the FBI. There would have been 1,000 FBI agents in ambush at the Capitol with handcuffs

Smoking Gun Thread 11/

Now we know that Trump was not a 'victim' of a mob that suddenly went berzerk, and rioted, against his will. Because we have CONTEMPORANEOUS notes from the phone call on 27 December, when Trump said, he KNEW there was no fraud, but he would take care of it

Smoking Gun Thread 12/


Now it was not a spontaneous riot on 6 January. It was a PLANNED attack from AT LEAST 27 December. Not only organized by Trump 'supporters' like Roger Stone & Giuliani, or Moron Son number 1, and the My Pillow Guy


Smoking Gun Thread 13/

We - you and I - knew Trump was planning this. but Fox could claim that Trump was innocent, and the riot went berzerk, and Trump is innocent.

That defense died 30 July. Trump KNEW there is no voter fraud, but planned an insurrection. We have smoking gun

Smoking Gun Thread 14/

It is a LONG ROAD ahead, to take Trump to prison for January 6. This is a Mafia trial: the boss ALWAYS is tried last

First rioters
Then organizers
Then planners
Last Trump

Have patience, this takes YEARS. But we have a MAJOR change now, July 30, 2021

Smoking Gun Thread 15/

Because the evidence will show, this was a PLANNED insurrection, terrorist attack and attempted coup d'etat, those who planned it will do LIFE SENTENCES without parole. Some who are first to flip, may do 'only' decades in prison

Smoking Gun Thread 16/

Four elected Republicans conspired to attack America, knowing there is no fraud, but using a fake fraud claim as their excuse to try to overturn an election.

They will among other things face 14th Amendment punishment of never running for office again

Smoking Gun Thread 17/

At some point, what remains of GOP, will denounce the traitors. Romney & Liz Cheney are in Congress leading that movement, supported by Republicans outside of Congress like Ana Navarro & John Kasich.

This moment, July 30, is the threshold

Smoking Gun Thread 18/

Republicans will have to take a side, are they with the seditionists Gym Jordan, Ron Johnson & Scott Perry, or do they stand with America & the Constitution. This is a watershed moment. Once GOP has seen the light, they will also extinguish Maga & Trumpism

Smoking Gun Thread 19/

The internal civil war will likely rage inside GOP for next 3 years (past 2024 election loss) when EARLIEST timing of the purge of Trumpists & maga can start

MORE LIKELY timing is after 2028 election loss. GOP is now sick with #cult45 & damaging itself

Smoking Gun Thread 20/

Understand the relevance of Friday 30 July 2021. It was a CHANGE OF TRAJECTORY for not just Trump, but for Trumpism. We caught 3 Republican traitors. They will face justice & will spend life in prison (first to flip might get out after some decades)

PS to everybody in this Thread

THANK YOU. In just 8 hours you have helped make this one of my most-widely spread Threads, which has been read by over 210,000 people. That is more than twice my TOTAL reach. Thank you. You helped YOUR Tweeps read this and understand it.

PS PS to all in this thread

THANK YOU. In one week this became my most read Thread ever, read by over 650,000 people on Twitter, more than 7 times the total reach of my own followers. THANK YOU for retweeting it. You helped spread an important message.

I am humbled & honored

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