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Aug 3, 2021, 5 tweets

During #COVID19, more than ever, πŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈπŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ must be protected & respected, & hospitals & health facilities & transportation, incl. πŸš‘ should not be used for military purposes – essential conditions for the continued delivery of critical health services.


πŸ†• data from the Surveillance System for Attacks on Health Care shows that, since 2017 over:
πŸ’₯ 2700 incidents in 17 countries & territories have been recorded
πŸ’₯ 700 health care workers & patients have died, & over 2000 have been injured



Hundreds of health facilities have been destroyed or closed, health workers killed and injured, and millions of people denied the healthcare they deserve.



In 2020 over 300 confirmed attacks on health care took place in emergency-affected countries and fragile settings, causing more than 200 deaths among health workers & patients, and injuring almost 300 others.



In 2021: 588 incidents of attacks on health care have been recorded so far, from 14 countries with emergencies, causing 114 deaths and 278 injuries of health care workers and patients.



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