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Supporting and developing all Allied Health Professionals (AHPs), support AHPs, and student AHPs through connecting, learning and sharing on twitter #WeAHPs

Aug 4, 2021, 7 tweets

Hi! My name is Ali & I’m one half of the @WeAHPs team! As a Dietitian I think it’s very important you fuel yourself for all your #WeActiveChallenge activities 💪

So I’ve put together some general #nutrition tips that I hope you’ll all find helpful 🌈 #AHPsActive

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Remember when it comes to nutrition, diet can be very personal to you. These infographics are designed to provide very general info ℹ️

For specific ethical or medical needs, general nutrition advice may not be applicable to you 💙

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Proteins are made up of amino acids & are the building blocks used to construct cell walls, muscle tissue, hormones & enzymes 🧬

Complete proteins contain a full spectrum of essential aminos, eg. animal based products, soya based and micoproteins (Quorn)

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Carbohydrates are our main source of fuel for the body and brain. High fibre options add bulk to our stools and can help keep you regular 💩

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Some dietary fats are essential in the diet & have many health benefits 🫀🧠

Prioritise mono and poly unsaturated fats as these have anti-inflammatory properties. Limit intake of processed products that contain trans (hydrogenated) fats ❌

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One way to track hydration is to look at urine colour. You’re typically aiming for straw coloured or pale yellow. The darker urine gets the more dehydrated you are, and the more likely you need to focus on fluid intake 💧

Sorry but alcohol doesn’t count 🍺

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Here’s a handy portion size guide. Visual cues can provide perspective & help you make informed choices when it comes to your serving sizes 👊✋👍🤲

Nutrition is a vast & nuanced topic, we hope you found these helpful! Good luck in the #WeActiveChallenge 🏆

#AHPsActive 🌈

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