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Aug 7, 2021, 7 tweets

Next up at #SmartCon is Mathew Roszak of @VesperFi

DeFi is here to stay, Cambrian explosion of innovation

$77B market, in a year add a zero to that

Vesper has over a billion in TVL

Vesper focuses on UI/UX, auditing, documentation, and known team

Vesper pool, governance platform

Biggest barrier to DeFi is accessibility

Need a long term vision

Need to deal with high fees, will decrease over time

Opportunity to create dashboard to DeFi in one interface

Permissioned pools getting developed

Need to incentivize community

Multi-chain approach

Work with #Chainlink to prove an accurate view of TVL on Vesper

Working with cryptos since 2015, don't want to work in a vaccum

Minimizing high fees, multi-chain

Ethereum is grand central station, has everything you need but given volume, fees are high

Road to global DeFi adoption

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