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Aug 7, 2021, 15 tweets

Next up at #SmartCon is a keynote talk from @Mashinsky of @CelsiusNetwork

All roads lead to decentralization

Second announcement with Chainlink

Centralization versus decentralization

Equal opportunity with CeFi/DeFi

Not measured by ability to generate profit

Crazy amount of money printing

TradFi killing itself with money printing

One empire after the next lose their status as world reserve currency

$255T in total world asset

$297T in world debt

Kicking the can down the road by kicking the can down the road

Consolidation of banking system into four banks

0.12% average interest, banks earning record profit

In 1971 we went off the gold standard

Money Over Internet Protocol MOIP

Celsius launched service in 2018 and paying interest ever since

$17B in assets

@CelsiusNetwork announces partnership with Chainlink to integrate CCIP to generate sources of yield across blockchains

Opportunity get paid yield without friction

You need Chainlink oracles to pull real world data on-chain, @CelsiusNetwork is relying on #Chainlink price oracles to price margin calls and borrowing rates

Growing amount of dApps

Multiple levels of adoption

Need to migrate from comfort zone to growth zone

Satoshi -> anarchists -> libertarians -> speculators -> institutions?

Institutions took time, now we're seeing FOMO

Public blockchain will change the world

but seen JP Morgan JPMcoin and China CBDC and Faceboook Diem

Chainlink is one of those amazing communities we always admire, Chainlink Labs building infrastructure and delivering value

We don't pick blockchain winners, job is give services across all blockchains

Stablecoins will get us to mass adoption

It's not that Celsius is great, it's that banks are terrible

The FED is Not your friend

the $USD is Not your friend

Debt is us borrowing from the future

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