Zach Rynes | CLG Profile picture
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Aug 7, 2021, 13 tweets

Next up at #SmartCon is a keynote presentation from @MBRichardson87 from @Bancor

Will be exploring Bancor's past and future

Bancor v2 (April 2020) used #Chainlink

Chainlink price oracle data helped rebalance the weight of the pool

Chainlink oracle to unstake and restake liquidity in range in each block

Was a beautiful AMM design, but oracle data reflected the past

Opportunists could unbalance the pools, fundamental of blockchain design

New ways for this model to be improved, study the past

Never stopped collaboration with #Chainlink on this model

Future implementations of this protocol on other chains

Bancor and Chainlink community stayed close

Bancor v2.1 was released, didn't use Chainlink but communities stayed around

$LINK holders "wagmi" and "DR'NS"

Status quo means you lose exposure to LINK as the value rises (maximum 50% Chainlink in normal AMM diesngs)

Don't need to lose exposure with $LINK in Bancor v2.1, community stayed close

If $LINK goes up, but other token doesn't, you lose exposure

Impermanent loss in status quo DEXs (Sushiswap data LINK/ETH pool)

Lose money compared to just HODLing

Bancor insures your IL in v2.1

$255M in $LINK liquidity with 11% APY

Now about the future of @Bancor

Bancor v3 breadcrumbs 👀

Capital Efficiency

Blowing up the curve doesn't mean it's more efficient (A = 2)

Less slippage on trades but liquidity provider pays more

Efficient for whom is it more efficient? Not for LPs

Open question that Bancor v3 addresses

$LINK holders excited to stake their tokens

Stake or LP on Bancor?

With Bancor v3 you can explicitly stake and LP at the same time !!

Community driven initiative

Superfluid collateral

@Bancor is excited to be working with the @Chainlink Labs team on v3

Chainlink Keepers will be integrated in @bancor V3

Just the beginning of how Chainlink will be used in Bancor

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