Dr John B. Profile picture
Scientist, lecturer & father. Whistleblower. I've published over 150 peer-reviewed papers (e.g. NEJM, The Lancet, PNAS). I care about your health. https://t.co/TYGQImPR83

Aug 10, 2021, 10 tweets

(1/n) Wearing a face mask leads to the inhalation of micro- and nanoplastic particles and fibers.
A new study performed a detailed analysis about this micro/nano plastic debris using scanning electron microscopy (SEM): ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
#MaskUp #maskmandate #COVIDIOTS

(2/n) Example 1

(3/n) Example 2

(4/n) Example 3

(5/n) Example 4

(6/n) Example 5

(7/n) Example 6

(8/n) Millions of people who wear masks are now exposed to these micro- and nanoplastic particles and fibers every day.
That is not healthy.
There are many studies highlighting this health hazards, e.g.: …eandfibretoxicology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11…


(10/n) Overview of the neurotoxic effects of micro- and nanoplastics:

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