Masao Dahlgren Profile picture
Fellow @CSIS @CSIS_ISP @Missile_Defense. Personal acct @masaodahlgren.

Aug 11, 2021, 7 tweets

#SMD2021 the Mid-Range Capability will involve multirole launcher that can fire Tomahawk or SM-6. "We actually have a missile on the rail that can do offensive or defensive fires simultaneously."

RCCTO head Thurgood shows some photos of the LRHW delivery and describes the DE-MSHORAD shoot-off.

Slide on 2-prong high-end DE solution. IFPC to have a kinetic and nonkinetic element, which will feature the mobile 300kW HEL and fixed HPM.

Thurgood brought pencils to the podium to underscore bottom line: "Pencils down." RCCTO is "not interested in being late."

"When I started this job, I had as much hair as Ronny did. And now I look like General Myles."

Thurgood: Each Mid-Range Capability launcher can hold 4 missiles, and "It can also hold a Patriot right out of the factory, it can hold a PrSM...The Mark 41 launcher that we got from the Navy is really a versatile launcher."

Keeping track of Army's popular names presented at #SMD2021.
LRHW: "Dark Eagle"
MRC: "Typhon"
IFPC-HEL: "Valkyrie"
IFPC-HPM: "Thor"
Relevant reading from @tomkarako:

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