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Pointy Head. Opinions, analyses and views expressed are purely mine and should not in any way be characterised as representing any institution or company.

Aug 12, 2021, 7 tweets

Looks likely China may soon learn what happens when you abuse the trust and patience of Peter Embarek:

"Maybe someone is not at all interested in finding out what the truth is"…

Case in point: the (non)search for patient zero:

And as #DRASTIC has kept highlighting:

According to Peter Embarek, he is hardly the world's very first infected - that is, patient zero.

- He may have just gotten it one day in the subway or on a bus or in a store, says Peter Embarek.

Good point made about the doping tests at the Wuhan military games:

And again the compromise:

- If it had been categorized differently, it would probably have required a week more, maybe some more discussion and arguments for and against, and I did not think it was worth it, says Peter Embarek.

Anyway, many thanks to @Peterfoodsafety for discussing this with TV2.

He had a very difficult job to do, and the compromise the team reached actually left them worse off.

But the failure goes back to the negotiation of the ToRs. Maybe he could tell us about that too.

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