Andrew Barry 🦁 Profile picture
Engineer of aha moments | CEO @ Curious Lion | Keynote Speaker | Dad | 🇿🇦 in 🇺🇸

Aug 12, 2021, 10 tweets

Ryan knows his stuff about online courses

Like REALLY knows his stuff

Post a question for him here!

Why it’s important to start with live content

There is no better fire than the furnace of a Zoom session on your content

Free live webinar
Paid live course
If people buy, keep going
If people don’t, start at the top

@ryandeiss dropping gems in here

@ryandeiss Solid advice for deciding delivery format... especially re: videos

@ryandeiss 🔥

Counter-intuitive advice on audience building

On curriculum design

The best channel for first-time course creators

The @ryandeiss funnel playbook

Going to copy a lot of these ideas for my new course

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