Kevin Wilson Profile picture
Epidemiologist. Spare-time interest in scientometrics. Tweeting as a private science nerd.

Aug 12, 2021, 5 tweets

Today in the #AtlanticBubble

18* new cases were reported

11 in New Brunswick: 2 in Saint John (travel), 9 in Moncton (3 close contacts, 6 under investigation)

7* in Nova Scotia: 1 each in Western (travel) and Eastern (contact), and 5 in Halifax (all travel, 3 old/unreported)

Regional Summary

Remains quiet save for the outbreak in the Moncton area.

Things still getting worse in Maine.

Zoom in on NB:

1st graph is case timeline for NB

2nd is cases per capita for all health regions with Moncton emphasized.

3rd is hospitalizations

4th is deaths

Vaccine Roll-Out Metrics:

1st graph shows how many days since each province had enough doses to cover current usage.

Graphs 2-4 show vaccination speed: percent of the population age 12+ receiving 1st dose (graph 2), 2nd dose (graph 3), or either (total output, graph 4) daily.

These graphs show current 1st and 2nd dose coverage among the eligible population (age 12+)

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