The Coronavirus in Kids (COVKID) Project Profile picture
Unbiased accurate surveillance. COVID Mortality is Still Higher for Black, Hispanic, & Indigenous Americans…

Aug 13, 2021, 7 tweets

❗️12-AUG-2021 UPDATE❗️ 1/7

Latest data from NCHS reveal disturbing racial/ethnic disparities in #COVID19 mortality among kids and young adults.

We've tried to be more phone-friendly, but still best viewed on a larger screen. Expanded dashboard:

❗️12-AUG-2021 UPDATE❗️ 2/7

Of 353 reported deaths, 28% were white, & 72% were non-white, mostly Hispanic & Black children.

Caveat: NCHS death counts are << CDC-Atlanta counts due to different data sources & reporting lags. #epitwitter
More info:

❗️12-AUG-2021 UPDATE❗️ 3/7

#COVID19 death rate disparities for kids 0-17 are very high. Rate ratios (95% CI) with whites as the referent:

Indigenous RR = 6.2 (2.5-15.7)
Black RR = 3.0 (2.2-4.0)
Hispanic RR = 2.6 (2.0-3.3)
Asian RR = 1.5 (0.9-2.6)

❗️12-AUG-2021 UPDATE❗️ 4/7

#COVID19 death rate disparities by age for the 3 largest population groups. Infant mortality is nearly 4x ⬆️for Blacks than whites.

#epitwitter #PedsICU @Cleavon_MD @COVIDBLK @Arrianna_Planey @RheaBoydMD @SapnaKmd @heather_haq

❗️12-AUG-2021 UPDATE❗️ 5/7

For the 1st time, we have #COVID19 mortality time trends.

Remember: Jul/Aug deaths won't be completely counted via death certificates until Oct/Nov at the earliest. #epitwitter

More data embedded in the interactive charts:

❗️12-AUG-2021 UPDATE❗️ 6/7

First look at monthly #COVID19 death rates for kids:

July 2020: 1 white child died, 28 non-white deaths
Jan 2021: 13 white deaths, 36 non-white children died

❗️12-AUG-2021 UPDATE❗️ 7/7

The tragedy of child death is the tip of the severity iceberg. Thousands of 🇺🇸 kids have been hospitalized. It will be years before rigorous scientific evidence on the long-term consequences of #SARSCoV2 infection has accrued.…

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