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Aug 13, 2021, 9 tweets

[Thread] 1. How many #COVIDVaccines will SA receive in Aug?
Nicholas Crisp, @healthza:
1. We no longer have a supply shortage
2. The slide below shows delivery dates + doses. It takes a week for doses to get to sites after arrival (clearance, quality testing, distribution).

2. How many adults have registered for #COVID vaccinations?
1. Registrations have been disappointing
2. 9.2 mil (out of 40 mil = 23%) adults have registered
3. 60+ = age group with the largest % registered (3.5 mil out of 5 mil = 70%)

3. Crisp:
1. Vaccinations = slowed down by SA's vaccine shortage 2 wks ago (see slide)
2. We've lost momentum: We now have enough supply, but demand has decreased
3. There will defs be a 4th wave, but we don't know when + which variant will be dominant (could be a new one)

4. How many #COVID vaccine doses has SA administered?
1. About 9.2 mil (by the end of Aug 12)
2. Of the 9.2 mill
* 2 mil = #JnJ
* 7.2 mil = #Pfizer
3. Total doses = different from nr of people vaccinated (see next slide)

5. How many people has SA vaccinated?
1. Fully vaccinated (1 #JnJ dose or 2 #Pfizer doses): 3.9 mil
2. Vaccinated = people who have received 1 dose of vaccine (1 #JnJ/1 #Pfizer dose, so "vaccinated" people include some fully vaccinated [JnJ] + half vaccinated [Pfizer]): 7.2 mil

6. The green graph (top right) shows how daily vaccinations are increasing or decreasing. The red arrow shows how daily jabs have been decreasing over the past 2 weeks.

Crisp: "We should learn from Limpopo - go into villages, every jab counts".

7. This slide shows the distribution of vaccinations among age groups.
1. 60+ vaccinations = picking up well
2. 50-59 vaccinations = not picking up fast enough
3. Too few men = getting vaccinated which means more men than women will end up in hospital or die of #COVID.

8. How many adults does @healthza want to have vaccinated by Dec?
1. 28 mil/70% (out of 40 mil)
2. To reach 28 mil people, the dpt aims to administer 35 mil doses, so the % of the 28 mil = fully or half vaccinated, will depend on how doses = split between #JnJ + #Pfizer

9. Our biggest #VaccineRollOutSA challenge has shifted from a supply shortage to a decline in demand:
1. 35-49 = not sustained interest
2. Men = disappointing

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