Neil Parekh (He / Him / His) Profile picture
VP Events & Comms / Social Media Manager, @Digimentors; Exec. Producer #NYTReadalong. Previous: @UnitedWay

Aug 13, 2021, 10 tweets

1/x @sree's guest on the Sunday #NYTReadalong is @EmoryUniversity's Dir of Teaching & Learning @clontz. Topics: #Covid19's impact on Academia, NYT coverage of the South, and more.


Watch live (Sun, 8:30am ET) or later on FB, TW, LI or YT.

2/x Lee @clontz is one of @sree's favorite @ColumbiaJournMA students of all time. He knows more about digital than almost anyone Sree knows.

That's high praise right there.

Watch the convo Sunday (live or later) on the #NYTReadalong:…

cc: @fuzheado

3/x @sree will talk with @clontz about the impact of #Covid19 on academia last year and discuss what to expect this year. Two recent articles serve as good background for the conversation.

Links to the articles and the #NYTReadalong are on our website:…

4/x @sree will also talk with @clontz (@ColumbiaJournMA '98) about NYT's coverage of the American South, led by @RaR @tariro and @RichardFausset.

Links to their recent articles and how to watch @sree's Sunday #NYTReadalong are here:…

cc: @marclacey

5/x According to @sree, "[Lee @clontz] knows more about digital than almost anyone I know." On the #NYTReadalong, Lee will pull out some old @WIRED magazines to see how their predictions held up.

Click here to watch Sun, 8:30am ET (live) or later:…

6/x #DayofRage, a six-month NYT video investigation into the #January6th Insurrection, is a special section in Sunday's paper. @clontz and @sree will review both on the #NYTReadalong.

Links and details on how to watch:…

h/t @waynekamidoi cc: @TomJolly

7/x In addition to those tagged in the tweet above, @evanhill, @CoraEngelbrecht, @_stella_cooper and @bottidavid get credits on the #January6th #DayofRage Video.

We'll review it on @sree's Sunday #NYTReadalong at 8:30am ET.…

8/x @sree has been hosting the Sunday #NYTReadalong for > 5 years. I've been the Executive Producer for > 3 years.

You can find all of our shows since Jan. 2020 on our YouTube Playlist.

9/x Shout-out to the Production Team behind @sree's Sunday #NYTReadalong: @biggreenpen @stevederive @julialweeks and @cabara. (I'm the Exec. Producer / Guest Host.)

@clontz is this week's guest.

Watch live (Sun, 8:30am ET) or later on FB, TW, LI or YT:…

10/x Thank you to @muckrack for being a sponsor of @sree's Sunday #NYTReadalong.

@clontz, Dir. of Teaching and Learning at @EmoryUniversity is our guest this week.

Click here to watch live or later (Sun at 8:30am ET):…

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