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All about classics online and in pop culture. Tweets by Ben (β), Jermaine (Γ), Theo (Θ), Vanessa (Ψ), and Nicolette (ν).

Aug 13, 2021, 7 tweets

For #ClassicsTwitter - a thread of the classical iconography that @lizzo and @iamcardib replicate in their new "Rumors" video:

First of all, I love the ways that Lizzo challenges a lot of our ideas around classical iconography via imagining herself in the world--having the statues reflect her body type, and seeing her own stories and rumors displayed through classical art forms:

She also has such an interesting color palette for this video particularly with these bright amphorae, and I know I'm not the only one thinking that she might be displaying herself among these other goddesses as a potential audition for the upcoming live-action "Hercules" film.

I also love Cardi's phallocentric throne, and her scroll of rumors (not to mention the little gold dicks flying around), but I especially love Lizzo's classical hair here at the end and the shoutout she gives to Sister Rosetta Tharpe as the progenitor of rock 'n' roll.

The gals have given us gossip, sex, identity, iconographic references, and a fascinating new chromatic lens to consider worth when it comes to antiquity, and why we pull forward these symbols and icons to represent ourselves with.

Fama would be so proud 😘 --Ѱ

If you loved this thread, check out the one we did on @LilNasX’s #montero

Ditto with @DojaCat and @theweeknd's "You Right" on the astrological side of things:

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