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Aug 14, 2021, 6 tweets

@mevcollector @PranksyNFT @beaniemaxi @DerpyBirbsETH Am I doing this right senpai?

'1. For this project, there was an usual buying by known addresses of famous influencers.

Checking their addresses and their subsequent balances and tx history, this leads me to believe that this crunch on supply might drive up demand.'

@mevcollector @PranksyNFT @beaniemaxi @DerpyBirbsETH '2. Checking to see if paper mache hands are dumping the listing we can see that nansen probably has a hard time tracking this data from @opensea as the collection is unverified still and the data is kinda messed up or there aren't many sellers'

@mevcollector @PranksyNFT @beaniemaxi @DerpyBirbsETH @opensea '3. Here's a quick way to refute my #2 point.'

@mevcollector @PranksyNFT @beaniemaxi @DerpyBirbsETH @opensea '4. Unique Holders is on the rise, along side the balances of diamond hands. 💎🙌'

@mevcollector @PranksyNFT @beaniemaxi @DerpyBirbsETH @opensea '5. Checking transactions we can see many yellow circles indicating (doors are secured) notable buyers. It's hard to show on a screenshot but if you hover on them you can see many different addresses, not just one TWAP'ing or something.

We can further show this, pics 2-4'

@mevcollector @PranksyNFT @beaniemaxi @DerpyBirbsETH @opensea '6. Anyways I can go on and on but long story short MEV Collector LLC has swept the floors and exploited the improper data showcase to scoop 1-of-10s for 3x floor gg bitches'

something along those lines ye?

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