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Associate Editor for @theMRC and @NewsBusters. Bylines and citations in @FoxNews, @DailyCaller, and many more. D&D Dungeon Master #Critter. #2A #JetUp

Aug 15, 2021, 6 tweets

BODIED: CNN's Jake Tapper comes firing out of the gate at State Sec. Blinken and Pres. Biden, asking: "This is not just about the overall idea of leaving Afghanistan. This is about leaving hastily and ineptly. Secretary Blinken, how did President Biden get this so wrong?"

Citing Obama's former ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, Tapper then brought up serious concerns about Biden's ability to lead America at all. "I'm left with some grave questions in my mind about Biden's ability to lead our nation as commander-in-chief," he read.

Things grew heated as Tapper grilled Blinken on how "ineptly planned" the withdrawal was, noting Biden withdrew 2,500 troops then had to send in 5,000 troops to help evacuate Americans and Afghan allies. He also called out how wrong Biden was about the situation unraveling.

Tapper scolded Blinken for trying to repeatedly change the subject and demanded to know if the administration knows they screwed up, if they offered concessions, and if they promise to make sure every American gets out of the country unharmed. Blinken didn't make that promise.

"Why now? Why are you just doing that now," Tapper shouted, noting that "On this show, we've been talking for months about the need to evacuate these thousands of Afghan translators and others who helped U.S. service members during the war." He also knows vets trying to help.

Kabul Chaos: @CNN's @JakeTapper DESTROYS Sec. of State Blinken on Biden's 'ineptly planned' withdrawal from Afghanistan…

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