BODIED: CNN's Jake Tapper comes firing out of the gate at State Sec. Blinken and Pres. Biden, asking: "This is not just about the overall idea of leaving Afghanistan. This is about leaving hastily and ineptly. Secretary Blinken, how did President Biden get this so wrong?"
Citing Obama's former ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, Tapper then brought up serious concerns about Biden's ability to lead America at all. "I'm left with some grave questions in my mind about Biden's ability to lead our nation as commander-in-chief," he read.
Things grew heated as Tapper grilled Blinken on how "ineptly planned" the withdrawal was, noting Biden withdrew 2,500 troops then had to send in 5,000 troops to help evacuate Americans and Afghan allies. He also called out how wrong Biden was about the situation unraveling.
Tapper scolded Blinken for trying to repeatedly change the subject and demanded to know if the administration knows they screwed up, if they offered concessions, and if they promise to make sure every American gets out of the country unharmed. Blinken didn't make that promise.
"Why now? Why are you just doing that now," Tapper shouted, noting that "On this show, we've been talking for months about the need to evacuate these thousands of Afghan translators and others who helped U.S. service members during the war." He also knows vets trying to help.
Whoopi condescendingly directs her hate toward White House Press Secretary @karolineleavitt for denouncing wokeness. Shouting at her: "This young lady whose - this is her first job, I would like her to do a little homework. She said something yesterday that pissed me off...Let me explain something to you because without that wokeness, you might not have that job!...The wokeness was put in place for a reason!...Please please stop using that phrase to talk about because you don't understand what you're saying!"
Whoopi, who tried to scare people to vote for Kamala by falsely claiming Trump was going to redistribute white spouses from interracial marriages, says she's worried that the expanded White House press pool will be "state-run news" and would "feel a lot better" if there were "standards people have to meet."
@karolineleavitt Here's Whoopi making her bonkers claim about Trump redistributing white spouses from intraradical marriages.
I'm inside the Bay County, Florida Courthouse for Day Ten of the $1 billion defamation trial of Zachary Young v. CNN. You can watch the proceedings live with the video stream below in the quoted post or follow along with my live posts in the thread below.
I don't think it's going to be a hung jury.
Their demeanor last night wasn't that of a jury bitter and angry at each other, indicative of a hung jury. They seemed to be more hangry and stayed well past what they were asked once they were promised food.
I'm inside the Bay County, Florida Courthouse for Day Nine of the $1 billion defamation trial of Zachary Young v. CNN. You can watch the proceedings live with the video stream below in the quoted post or follow along with my live posts in the thread below.
I'm inside the Bay County, Florida Courthouse for Day Seven of the $1 billion defamation trial of Zachary Young v. CNN.
You can watch the proceedings live with the video stream below in the quote post or follow along with my live posts.
Currently the counsels are arguing about including the testimony of a Mr. Otto.
CNN's lead counsel David Axelrod is now asking for Mr. Otto's face to not be shown. He allegedly has a fatwa against him from the Taliban.
Judge Henry is saying this should have been brought up at the pro-trial conference meeting.
I'm inside the Bay Country, Florida Courthouse for Day Two of the $1 billion defamation trial of Zachary Young v. CNN.
Judge William Scott Henry is currently reading the instructions to the jury about the nature of what will be argued before them.
Opening arguments from both sides will happen today and testimony from U.S. Navy veteran Zachary Young is also expected.
Thank you to @LawCrimeNetwork for being the pool camera feed!
"The facts didn't matter"
Opening arguments begin with one of Young's lawyers, Kyle Roche telling the jury about how CNN approached telling the story about Young.
He says CNN ignored the facts told to them about how Young ran his extraction operations in Afghanistan.
"CNN felt they had a sensational story that would drive ratings and they didn't care about the truth," Roche said. "CNN chose theater over truth and destroyed the life of an American Patriot."
Comedian Whitney Cummings takes shots at CNN while on CNN:
"I'm now playing, you know, like 3000 seat theaters, which is about the viewership of CNN these days."
She actually mentions Hunter Biden's laptop and his obsession with hookers:
"The Dallas Cowboys cheerleader doc showed the girls being treated horribly underpaid, crying. I thought I'd open a video on Hunter Biden's laptop."
She's surprised CNN didn't cut her mic after taking a swing at Dems and the COVID vax:
"[Dems] couldn't hold a primary because they were too busy holding a body upright. Are we still rolling? Am I off? ... Kamala was forced on us so hard you'd think she was patented by Pfizer"