Daniel Summers Profile picture
Strident homosexual. Pediatrician who swears. Bylines hither and yon. Beauty’s where you find it. 🌈 Formerly ambiguously notable. he/him

Aug 16, 2021, 7 tweets

Oldest kiddo bought me stuff to stock the new office. It’s the first gift he’s gotten me with his own money, and I love it.

Daughter made me this giant card, which is going on my office door.

This is the interior of oldest kiddo’s card, and darn it if I didn’t get a bit verklempt.

Husband made me a cherry crumble. (I am meh on cake.)

Dad got me a couple of @vuoriclothing pants, which are close enough to count as business casual. (Outfit selfies later this week impend.)

Birthday dinner vista.

Late summer birthday dinner.

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