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helping organize crowdsourced information about the 1/6 Capitol attack. also:

Aug 17, 2021, 16 tweets

Long-awaited news: #CatSweat is arrested! He's Logan Barnhardt, bodybuilder from MI. One of the key attackers at the tunnel when Officer Miller was dragged. ID was fast once #SeditionHunters found his clear face shot, likely by many (including the great @rocketman2001). 1/

We thought that #CatSweat looked pretty full of himself, and Logan did have an active social media profile, as you might expect for an aspiring model (surprising how many are at the Capitol). Calls himself "knuckle sandwich" - better worry about that pretty face in prison. 2/

He's a heavy machine operator at Barnhart and Son Construction near Lansing, Michigan (hope dad is ashamed), works as a trainer at a gym in Lansing. His partner-in-attack #Scallops was also a gym rat, but Logan seems to have arrived & acted alone. Unclear what radicalized him 3/

Some pics are from his Insta "knuckle_sandwich35", found by @FixThisNow2021 (& likely others!). @MichiganTea has found his romance novel covers & more. It all feels almost funny & we need a laugh; at the same time it wasn't funny for Officer Miller. 4/

Here's the roundup of the hashtags and arrest status of the figures in the famous photo of the violence that closed out "Phase II" of the tunnel attack. Arrested in red, including now #CatSweat. Please comment on anyone who's been missed. 5/

To clarify the timing of finding / charging Jan 6 attackers: #CatSweat went on the FBI wanted list in January (#128). A clear face shot was posted on April 22. By April 23, IDs were sent to FBI by multiple people - h/t @MichiganTea too. And arrest in August, 4 months later. 6/

You can see the attack for which Logan Barnhart aka #CatSweat was arrested in this compilation video - put together for #Scallops (Jack Wade Whitton), but Barnhart appears at center in his Caterpillar sweatshirt as the crowd yells "pull the cops out!" 7/

A new arrest and an updated annotated tunnel attack photo, with three new additions. Note that #ThreePercentSheriff aka Ronald Macabee is in red - according to @ryanjreilly he is just arrested & added to the superceding indictment along with #CatSweat. 8/…

Thanks to @CMominator for the additional hashtags.

#ThreePercentSheriff's attack was also brutal - the tunnel fight Phase I & Phase II both ended in bursts of some of the worst violence on Jan 6, and to the dragging of an officer (Fanone and Miller) 9/

The superceding indictment combines Sabol, Stager, Lopatic, Mullins, Whitton, Barnhart, and Mcabee (note typo in earlier tweet). 22 counts, most involving groups attacking together. McAbee (#ThreePercentSheriff) is seen as working with Mullins (#Slickback) 10/

Tagging them up (corrected image below)
Sabol: #OrangeNTeal
Stager: #Caveman
Lopatic: #PTSDPuncher
Mullins: #Slickback
Whitton: #Scallops
Barnhart: #CatSweat
McAbee: #ThreePercentSheriff
Details on hashtagged perps are at link, updated each week. 11/

Update: pre-trial detention request for McAbee (#ThreePercentSheriff) is now available. @emptywheel notes that DOJ for the 1st time seems to lay the groundwork for making attackers culpable in Roseanne Boyland's death by denying her access to medical aid.…

Adding (h/t @emptywheel) one prior mention of denial of medical aid to Boyland, from Sabol's detention motion in March, potentially aimed at establishing criminal negligence through disregard for human life. 13/

Note that #ThreePercentSheriff was, in fact, a sheriff's deputy - Williamson County, TN. How could he attend the Capitol attack on Jan 6? Because he'd just totaled his car, hurt himself, & requested to be placed on disability (h/t @Mimifishin for finding his wife's FB). 14/

At the Capitol it was #ThreePercentSheriff who dragged out officer A.W. who lies prone in the famous photo. (Miller was dragged just before). And then his arm hurt. And so he ASKED THE POLICE TO LET HIM IN to get aid, pointing to the "Sheriff" on his police-issue vest. 15/

DOJ emphasizes that betrayal: "..that McAbee engaged in violent assaults of fellow law enforcement officers WHILE HE HIMSELF WAS A SHERIFF'S DEPUTY & then attempted to use that status to obtain special treatment is powerful evidence of his lack of regard for legal authority." 16/

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