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Aug 18, 2021, 6 tweets

COA audit reports 101

#ANCRundown talked to former COA Commissioner Heidi Mendoza to get a better understanding of COA audit reports.

We began with a discussion on the different types of audit reports and their purposes.

Contrary to Pres Duterte's remarks that COA audit reports are useless, Mendoza says audit reports are good means to gauge good governance and could sometimes lead to return to govt of illegally disbursed funds. Mendoza says she understands Duterte's frustration with slow pace.

Mendoza not so surprised with reactions of govt officials to COA's audit reports. Explains why she's speaking out: It's hard for those in COA to explain because they have to balance interests of clients and the organization but there's need to correct misinformation.

Mendoza corrects pres'l spox Harry Roque: Wrong to say COA annual audit report is "premature." Report was prepared by resident audit team and went thru several exchanges: audit queries, response from agency, audit observation memorandum, audit findings, exit conference, report.

Mendoza says COA audit reports are comprehensive reviews of the accounts and operations. While there's no issue of corruption yet in audit reports as it has to go through additional processes, nothing preempts the Ombudsman from conducting its own fact-finding.

WATCH full interview with former COA Commissioner Heidi Mendoza on the COA audit process here:

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