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Aug 18, 2021, 8 tweets

Have you ever been confused about the BCG vaccine?

Check out this graphic that @LeaGoren @AliceCLehman @thie0149 created and the following thread!

#IDTwitter #IDMedEd #MedTwitter #MedPedsID #PedsID

2/💉Bacille-Calmette-Guerin (BCG) immuniz. against TB is a group of related live vaccines derived from attenuated M.bovis.
🌏Used in >100 countries, most widely administered vaccine in world
🧠Given to ⬇️incidence of TB meningitis + miliary dz in children


Bookmark the BCG World Atlas to quickly see BCG vaccination policies by country as well as other information such as TB incidence


While use in the US is uncommon, there are a few select individuals who might be considered for BCG vacc 👇

BCG + TB testing:
⭐️Many will have +TST after infant BCG vacc, which may or may not wane with time
⭐️BCG for bladder cancer has been reported to convert ~1/2 of patients' TSTs

⭐️IGRAs are NOT affected by BCG vaccination status

55y f/u study of bcg: journal.chestnet.org/article/S0012-…

Complications of BCG vaccine:
🔹localized skin reactions common
🔹BCG lymphadenitis or abscess can occur
🔹BCG osteomyelitis is a rare cx (listen to the podcast audio for more!)
🔹Disseminated BCG disease can occur in immunocompromised pts (such as young children with SCID)

Want some other BCG content? A recent tweetorial from @tony_breu discussed use of BCG in bladder cancer if you're interested!

Check out the podcast episode here:

And check out the other episode graphic here:

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