a cultured podcast about all things infectious disease 🦠🧫🔬🧪 | ID clinical reasoning, diagnostics, abxs | infographics | #IDTwitter #IDMedEd #MedPedsID
Apr 7, 2022 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
1/ In the newest Febrile Digest, we chat about SCORTCH as a framework for congenital infections. Check out our guest's overview: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32586930/
Some nice figs below fr the paper 👇
But where did "TORCH" come fr? I tried to take a look in this 🧵
1/ We covered a MASH of pearls during the most recent episode with @SAIRABT ! Let's take a look at some of those points with some new (and prior) @febrilepodcast graphics!
For example, what @ID_fellows hasn't gotten called about rabies?! Check out this refresher #IDMedEd2/ Rash + eschar + fever should make you consider vector borne rickettsial diseases! See a compare/contrast guide below
1/ Are you an @ID_fellows? Planning a future in ID?
In honor of #IDWeek2021 Fellows Day and our newest ep, let's 🔗to some ID learning tools! Use these to study for boards or just save to reference thru your training!
2/💉Bacille-Calmette-Guerin (BCG) immuniz. against TB is a group of related live vaccines derived from attenuated M.bovis.
🌏Used in >100 countries, most widely administered vaccine in world
🧠Given to ⬇️incidence of TB meningitis + miliary dz in children
1/ A great part of our newest ep. is the discussion about immigrant & refugee health assessments. Check out the great image from our guests @AliceCLehman@LeaGoren@thie0149 ! 👇
Keep scrolling for more resources/links
#IDMedEd#IDTwitter#MedPedsID2/ Children born outside of the US are vulnerable to increased morbidity due to the lack of awareness of their migration journey and indications for screening/tx. @AliceCLehman outlined some of the definitions that are often used
Mar 10, 2021 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
1/ In the newest episode, @JillWeather spoke about eosinophilia!
#1 step: calculate your absolute eosinophil count (AEC).
You can then grade eosinophilia based on AEC (mild/mod/severe)👉although this doesn't exactly predict organ damage
What else?
The ddx for eosinophilia is broad! It can help to think of different causes in groups.
Here is a nice mnemonic and graphic from @HawraAllawati on how she remembers: iPa3d!
I nfection
P arasite
A3 atopy, autoimmune, adrenal insufficiency
D rug rxn
Feb 11, 2021 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
1/ Liver abscess is estimated to occur in about 1/3 of patients with CGD. In the episode, we discussed how a liver abscess may have distinct characteristics in the setting of CGD
PLA = pyogenic liver abscess 2/ PLA in CGD:
📌septate mass surrounded by a thick pseudocapsule
📌Inside=dense inspissated fluid.
📌Can be homogenously enhancing on imaging while small, but then develop mult locules separated by thick enhancing septations with intense halo/rim of enhancement around abscess
Feb 10, 2021 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
1/ We didn’t cover all of this in Ep.4, but the case is a good reminder to think about the various imaging findings in liver infection
Knowing the defining features & ddx of liver abscess; hydatid cysts; and mult small nodules is very useful!
#IDTwitter#IDMedEd#MedTwitter2/ A lot of info for 1 page but a few 🗝️points:
🔸Pyogenic+amebic liver abscess can be indistinguishable on imaging
🔸Echinococcus: check out the WHO classification
🔸Ddx mul small solid nodular liver lesions has a wide ddx. For ID, includes TB/Bartonella/Disseminated fungal inf