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Aug 19, 2021, 7 tweets

A 🧵

Slimy, greasy strategy by a slimy, greasy politician. But are we really that surprised? From the moment this chump entered the political ring, didn’t we foresee stuff like this?

This guy on the basis of being the ‘anti-Wynne’…and to a large extent…



…it was successful. There was lots of talk about gravy trains and ending the party with tax payer money. But you’d have be pretty naive and / or willfully ignorant to not see the cronyism and the grift.

Hwy 413 is a prime example. Look who stands to benefit.


Ford buddies Ron Taverner and Dean French…more examples of the grift. And the list goes on.
- Katherine Pal
- Taylor Shields
- Tyler Albrecht
- Gavin Tighe
- Cam Montgomery
- Jenni Byrne
- Ian Todd
- Rueben Devlin
- Charles McVety
….to name but a few.


In order to hide it all, Ford lays on the populist schtick. He ate the fries and the chips; he made the cheesecake; he drove the pickup…all in an effort to look just like you and me.


But it’s a thin facade. Underneath it all, we find things like:
- gas pump stickers
- dysfunctional licence plates
- funding for horse racing
- Greenbelt development
- the misogyny against Horwath
- blocking a bill against Islamophobia


- the dumpster fire that is the Education ministry
- invoking the notwithstanding clause
- the LTC homes disaster
…not to mention the complete hatchet job of Ontario’s COVID response in general.


So when see Doug Ford raising funds by sending out invoices to unsuspecting citizens…should we really be that surprised. We’re three years deep…the slimy stench isn’t new. The invoices are just the latest addition.

Let’s do ourselves a favour.



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