Claire Musk Profile picture
Tesla lies. People Die.

Aug 20, 2021, 10 tweets

🚨 #Tesla's @Theranos-level LIDAR Lies 🚨
During Tesla's "AI Day", its representative said, "Here, we have a real clip that was gotten from a car. It then goes through an auto-labelling pipeline to create a 3-D reconstruction of the scene..." $TSLA $TSLAQ 1/9

He's technically not lying. But he's omitting that the "Real World Clip" was obtained from a #Tesla company car mounting LIDAR sensors (examples below). This builds upon @ValueDissenter's excellent thread on Tesla cheating with LIDAR sensors. 2/9

Here's why I'm also sure. #Tesla's LIDAR rigs feature static lidar sensors angled downwards. So there will be blind spots, especially during turns with high objects above. See how the canopies are cut-off? The camera - and the audience - can see them. The LIDAR didn't. 3/9

@ValueDissenter also mentioned that #Tesla's real LIDAR rig (not the photoshopped car in the video) is ~20 ft. behind. That's the orange box in this clip, which eerily follows the photoshopped car at the same speed. 4/9

Here, trees overhang the road on both the right & left sides (as the camera captures), but the LIDAR system only detects the left side overhangs (right side sensors too close to the hedges).
The point cloud from the blocked driveway on the right also came from LIDAR mapping. 5/9

I don't have a problem with anyone using LIDAR sensors & mapping. I do have a problem with:
- Elon Musk calling LIDAR "a crutch" & "lame"
- Musk disparaged @Waymo and called their LIDAR mapping "friggin stupid" and "fragile"

Elon Musk is, at best, disingenous. 6/9

More importantly, both fanboys - and #Tesla itself - claim that its "billions of miles of real-world driving data" makes $TSLA the leader in vehicle autonomy. That's a lie.

AI Day proved that Tesla is using a few company LIDAR rigs to make simulation maps for training... 7/9

...along with a thousand manual labellers that train an automated labeller.
In other words, #Tesla's only beginning to do what @Waymo's been doing since early *last* decade. $TSLA $TSLAQ 8/9…

The LIDAR revelation means Tesla has lied about everything.
$TSLA's valuation is based on lies.
Musk's capital raises have been based lies.
Walter Huang died believing #Tesla's lies.
It's all #Vaporware and #Autonowashing. cc: @FTC @NHTSAgov @SenMarkey @SenBlumenthal $TSLAQ 9/9

@theranos *Correction to quote: "Here, on the left side, you are seeing a real clip that was gotten from a car. It then goes through an auto-labelling pipeline to produce a 3-D reconstruction of the scene..." (Sorry, I started working on this thread last night and it was getting late)

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