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NYT bestselling journalist. Senior editor @TPostMillennial. Fact checker @CommunityNotes. Support my journalism & send news tips to:

Aug 22, 2021, 5 tweets

#Antifa in Portland have prepared for weeks for their planned violence against a patriotic-themed rally today ahead of the anniversary of when their member murdered Aaron Danielson. The antifa are openly discussing on Twitter the proper uniforms to wear to evade being identified.

Flyers for the Portland antifa riot and the patriot-themed rally, respectively. Following threats of violence by antifa & their supporters, the right wing rally has been moved to a new location yet to be announced.

Breaking: The patriot-themed "love" rally originally organized for downtown Portland has moved to the parking lot of the former KMart in northeast Portland following threats of violence by antifa. Antifa have announced plans to gather for a violent showdown of the year.

Antifa accounts are calling for comrades to go to the original meeting spot on the waterfront in downtown Portland. They’re restrategizing their response for the riot.

“Hunting pack” wearing “fash glasses”

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