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Aug 23, 2021, 15 tweets

This week in React

πŸ‘‰ Scheduling Profiler
πŸ‘‰ Next.js 11.1
πŸ‘‰ Split components
πŸ‘‰ "context flag" anti-pattern virus
πŸ‘‰ Dynamic forms with visitor
πŸ‘‰ TS Unions with Destructuring
πŸ‘‰ React Native 0.65 + plans
πŸ‘‰ React Navigation 6.0
πŸ‘‰ Portals + document.body

🧡 Details πŸ‘‡

React has a new Scheduling Profiler, presented by @brian_d_vaughn

This should help understand better what React is working on, in a concurrent world with features such as Suspense, transitions, offscreen, lazy...

Pro-active & also hint suggestions…

Next.js 11.1 released by @vercel team

They keep improving DX and perf.
In particular, swc integration and transforms rewritten in Rust.

Experimental ES modules support (turned on by default in next Next 😏)

Next Image improvements

Guideline from the 70's on how to split your React components

@JooForja takes 4 rules from an old evergreen paper, and applies them to React component decomposition.

Rules are a bit formal/abstract but make sense. I follow them intuitively somehow.…

Using destructuring on TypeScript union types can be frustrating

TS doesn't narrow types in if/else/switch

@kyleshevlin highlights the problem here:…

Note: v4.4 improves type narrowing a bit, but not yet for destructuring 😿:…

How One Conditional Can Entangle Your React App

Interesting story by @jasonleehodges:…

The "context flag" React anti-pattern was introduced in a PR

But devs tend to copy what they see: the anti-pattern ends up spreading in the codebase, like a virusπŸ˜…

Generating User-configured UI Using The Visitor Pattern

Inspired by Babel, @arahansen explains how he uses the visitor pattern for rendering dynamic React forms

Field implementations can be plugged from the outside to suit multiple use-cases…

React-Native 0.65 introduced by @lunaleaps

- Hermes update, Hades GC, Intl on Android...
- Accessibility improvements
- Version bumps

Some qualified it as a "small release", missing Fabric progress

Very excited to see Hermes slowly becoming ubiquitous…

The @reactnative team plans to communicate more

Starting with H2 2021 plans:…

- Fabric public rollout

- Improve release process, issue triaging

- Concurrent rendering, lazy offscreen rendering

- Pushing cross-platform: Messenger Desktop feedback, VR

React-Navigation v6, released by @satya164…

Polish over v5 rewrite

- defaults to native navigation
- better TS typing
- Elements UI lib to build your own navigator
- new Group comp, for organization
- Flipper debugging plugin

Mistakes I made while maintaining an open-source React Native library for five years

@mazzarolomatteo shared thoughts and errors while maintaining React-Native-Modal

This will resonate with anyone that maintains open-source projects for a long time πŸ€ͺ…

Don’t attach tooltips to document.body…

Interesting advice + perf analysis

This should apply to React apps using PopperJS, Tether and other portals

Web Assembly should be a default binary target

@taybenlor shares an interesting vision where any software can run anywhere

We could have a lot of freedom thanks to WebAssembly portability.…

We already see some bits in action, cf Next.js Image


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