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Aug 24, 2021, 9 tweets

1/9 #Morningreport recently @SinaiBmoreIMRes
by M. Thomas featured a middle aged pt presenting with sudden collapse whilst getting ready in the morning.
No prodromal episodes
#DDx ?
#MedTwitter #MedStudentTwitter #FOAMed

For acute collapse, this would need to be defined along the spectrum of:
Pre-syncope-> Syncope-> Near SCD-> SCD.

A quick review of medications show multiple medications that can present with this condition:

How do we define QTc prolongation ?

A review of medications that can potentiate QTc interval !

6/9 A risk score for QT:

7/9A simplified guide to help when prescribing any medication that can prolong the QTc interval.

Summary of teaching points regarding the QTc interval !
-Always obtain an EKG to determine baseline QTc prior to prescribing medications

A schema to use to help elaborate on all of the potential causes of SCD by @rabihmgeha @CPSolvers

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