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Disseminating #GeriEM knowledge internationally By geri groups AAEM, ACEP, SAEM, ACEM, CAEP, EUSEM/EuGMS, IAEM & IFEM Tweets not endorsed by parent organization

Aug 25, 2021, 10 tweets

We need to know and talk about #ElderAbuse the same way we talk about #NAI & #DomesticViolence !

Here are some facts

#Neglect, psychological abuse and financial exploitation is more common than physical or sexual abuse

More common in #ResidentialAgedCareFacilities

It leads to increased risk of mortality and morbidity including more hospitalization and ED visits

We need to #Screen for #ElderAbuse in ED !
The Elder Abuse Suspicion Index (EASI) is a validated short screening instrument



We have an opportunity in ED
#To identify those at risk
#look for clues, signs and symptoms that might suggest mistreatment
#Observe behavior and interactions between #older patient and family or #careProvider

and make it a routine to examine #OlderPeople head to toe!

Here are some #FOAMED and resources on #ElderAbuse

Excellent podcast from @gempodcast @clshenvi and Dr Tony Rosen

Great article from @SAEMEBM @DrcarolynH @GEMinAustralia and Dr Tony Rosen

#Is this The case you missed last night

@EMAJournal @acemonline

If you are interested in running #GeriSim on #Elderabuse here is #FOAMSim from
@SocraticEM @talk2nemat and Dr Rebecca Shaw @emsimcases


If you are interested to hear from the Experts on #ElderAbuse @DrcarolynH & Dr Tony Rosen
join @acemonline #ACEM21 Conference on Wed 10th of November
#EvolvingScenario " Remember the patient you saw last week ?"
@laurajoycenz @jocole76 @ScottPe23434361

There are plenty more resources on #ElderAbuse #FOAMED

Please share and tag more resources

We all have responsibility to look after our #olderpeople
#GEM #Geri #EMGeri #GeriEM

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