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إذا كان لا بد أن أموت، فليأ ِِت موتي باألمل، فليصبح حكاية If I must die, let it bring hope, let it be a tale #RefaatAlareer

Aug 27, 2021, 9 tweets

Reflections | City Graves
Lahore Diaries
While on Canal Road I decided to take the Muslim Town Underpass exit on a road that leads to Bilal Masjid
Opposite to the mosque gate as I stepped inside New Muslim Town Graveyard, scenes came flooding back ...

The name was Ali Sufyan Afaqi, a renowned journalist, writer and film maker
One of his significant works is a well kept journal of Pakistan Film Industry, titled Filmi Alif Laila
Sarguzasht digest started publishing Afaqi sahab's memoirs in monthly installments

Soon we got addicted to this monthly dose of Filmi Alif Laila during our college days
Sarguzasht kept publishing this work for decades, the diary of Afaqi's experiences from the film industry narrated in his signature anecdotal style
A tale of one thousand and one nights ...

As I stepped inside the New Muslim Town graveyard, scenes came flooding back
The romantic duo of Santosh Kumar and Sabiha Khanum and their flicks from 50s and 60s
Afaqi would tell you in Filmi Alif Laila how Santosh dominated the industry and charged a fee (amount) of his choice

He would tell you of the reaction of the media to the news of Sanoth's marriage with Sabiha
We come across Darpan, the hazel eyed brother in complete contrast to a sober and composed Santosh
Darpan who sported the playboy looks and broke countless hearts in his roles,

fell for the shy and sensitive Nayyar Sultana who ruled the film world as Malika e Jazbat of her times
In New Muslim Town Graveyard, dear reader, scenes came flooding back as I visited a few graves in a secluded corner

Syed Ishrat Abbas a.k.a Darpan and his wife Tayyaba Ishrat a.k.a Nayyar Sultana are buried side by side Two graves to the left is resting in peace Syed Musa Raza a.k.a Santosh Kumar
A little to the right on another plot lies buried our beloved Nasira Begum a.k.a Rani

Please say a silent prayer for the departed

یہ اجنبی سی منزلیں اوررفتگاں کی یاد
تنہائیوں کا زہرہے اورہم ہیں دوستو !
آنکھوں میں اڑ رہی ہے لٹی محفلوں کی دھول
عبرت سرائے دہر ہے اور ہم ہیں دوستو !

@ArfahZia I had originally posted the story on my FB timeline sometime back
Reproduced here in memory of your nana, as requested
May Allah bless his soul

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