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Aug 27, 2021, 5 tweets

A freighted decision for front page photo editors after deadly, horrific Kabul airport attack. Majority chose to lead with the victims while others kept top focus on the mission as it continues, shaken but undeterred.

Decision on photo lead balances horrific blow and ongoing mission. A painful choice between terrible human loss and sustained will.

While front page editors faced difficult choice of what to depict after horrific Kabul attack, @latimes shared both wrenching facets, the awful human cost, especially to Afghanis, and then sustained commitment to now tragically marred mission. 📷’s: @yamphoto @latimesphotos

Of the excruciating aftermath pictures from Kabul airport attack, @BostonGlobe chose to front this riveting image by @victorjblue. Ironic in Islamic terms, echo of Renaissance painting and body of Christ is visceral to US losses and spirit of the mission.

Meanwhile, as #Afghanistan consumes most of media and political oxygen, West Coast still on fire. #climateemergency

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