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Aug 29, 2021, 7 tweets

Beautiful day today to enjoy all the family fun at the @NYSFair

First, I paid tribute to our fallen service members who gave their lives fighting for New York and our country's freedom.

I thank them and their families for the dedication and sacrifice.

Said hello to our hardworking @nyspolice and met some of their newest troopers.

It wouldn't be a visit to the Fair without $0.25 cups of fresh milk (and this year strawberry milk is back although I'm personally a fan of chocolate milk)

One of the most iconic parts of the @NYSFair are the 800lb butter sculpture & the massive sand sculpture. This year's themes pay tribute to getting our kids back to the activities they love safely, and honoring our essential workers who were on the frontlines during the pandemic.

And of course had to have an Italian sausage sandwich.

Couldn't ask for a more wonderful Sunday at the @NYSFair today.

The Fair is one of my favorite summertime events and there's still plenty of time to plan your visit! Don't miss out the NYS family fun.

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