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used to work at @TPostMillennial NEWs and politics. FIND ME A JOB. Also, go to church on Sunday.

Aug 30, 2021, 47 tweets


Wouldn't be surprised if Biden just starts drone striking Americans at this point to finish things up


"Biden’s Pentagon spokesman John Kirby doesn’t know how many Americans are still stranded behind enemy lines in Afghanistan; punts to the State Department." -- via

"REVEALED: Secretary of State Antony Blinken 'was on VACATION in the Hamptons just hours before Kabul fell'"…

and that's why I didn't add it to my Biden cringe compilation

Because even though I'm a dick, I can be fair

In other news: China advertising a new COVID variant entering the world market

At least the UK Police are willing to DUNK on Extinction Rebellion protests. So that's nice.

"This is the Karnofsky Shop - a historic place. Louis Armstrong worked here and bought his first trumpet here. Collapsed during #HurricaneIda." -- via

Words mean nothing
Numbers mean nothing


🚨🚨🚨United States ---> Gave info and WEAPONS/military grade equipment to Taliban ----> Who are now associating with Al Qaeda again.…

The ramifications of that are massive.

Even for the VERY HIGH BAR set up by Biden's Kabul disaster in itself.

"Retired Navy aviator labels Biden admin claim ‘false,’ says Americans denied entry into Kabul airport"…

"We had them moving through the checkpoints. … They could not get into the gate. The gates were closed. They were outside, waving their passports. We are telling them to scream that 'I'm an American. I need to get on this airplane.' And no one let them."

Reliable military source says that soldiers on active duty right now are FURIOUS and ready to leave the service ASAP because of the Biden administration's failings

"But when it came time to meet with [President Biden], they left the room, because she said they did not want to speak with the man they held responsible for McCollum’s death."…

POP QUIZ: why would it be a gaffe for Biden to call Cedric Richmond “boy”?


ALSO: President Biden is making Cedric Richmond do a LOT of the legwork for this press conference, in addition to calling him "boy."

"EXCLUSIVE: Convicted rapist reached the U.S. on Afghan evacuation flight"…

"Department of Education launches civil rights investigations into 5 states barring indoor masking mandates"…

LOL everything is fucked

Gonna be a long ten days for Louisiana


- people falling from airplanes
- an ISIS suicide bombing that slaughtered dozens
- and a DRONE STRIKE by Biden that killed a bunch of kids

BUT HEYYY we got through it

On a serious note: the last few weeks has been a gratuitous display by the Biden administration. Even if he doesn't resign this will haunt him forever.

Biden ran away yesterday when someone asked him a question about Afghanistan.

He ran away. President of the United States.

The answer is we're less safe. Plain and simple.

After the Kabul debacle nobody trusts a word out of the Biden White House's mouth

It's horrifying that this elderly geriatric has the nuclear launch codes

In just two weeks President Biden not only destroyed America's international reputation, but also created widespread dissent in the US military.

"ABC News deletes stolen article from Marine Captain who lost people in Kabul blast"…

"We leave nobody behind," said President Biden who would go on to leave behind hundreds of Americans into the hands of the Taliban.

we seriously had 24 more hours

"Nearly 90 retired Generals and Admirals call for Gen. Milley and Lloyd Austin to resign"…

America is now aligned with the Taliban

"Taliban fighters storm into the Kabul International Airport, wielding American supplied weapons, equipment & uniforms – after the U.S. Military have completed their withdrawal."

^^ and with that I'm ready to secede from the USA

The Biden administration disgusts me and I will actively fight against them however I can.

President Biden abandoned Americans and left them in the hands of Taliban forces.

as it should be

Special place in hell for Biden

Today we learned Joe Biden used his dead son Beau Biden too much as political fodder, and now Beau's legacy is worthless.

It makes President Biden anti-American

Therefore it makes hating Joe Biden the most American thing you can do

Antony Blinken is an enemy of the state

TALIBAN priorities > Americans

says the Biden administration

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