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I'm just a little guy building cool sht

Aug 31, 2021, 9 tweets

Day 8 of #100designtips

Most developers love using gradients, but struggle in making them. But why should you waste your time designing gradient, when you can freely use these 5 tools?πŸ‘‡πŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΎ

🧡5 Best Free Gradient Maker Tools On The Internet

#CodeNewbie #webdevelopment

1⃣ Grabient (grabient.com)

2⃣ Gradient Hunt (gradienthunt.com)

3⃣ Mesh Gradient (meshgradient.com)

4⃣ Cool Hue (webkul.github.io/coolhue/)

5⃣ Coolors (coolors.co/gradients)

And if you need color inspiration

Are you new to designing? I got you πŸ‘‡πŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΎ

1. For more beginner friendly tips, Follow @khazifire
2. And if you need feedback on your design, tag me, or send me a dmπŸ˜€


5 Best Free Gradient Maker Tools On The Internet

- Gradient Hunt
- Grabient
- Mesh Gradient
- Cool Hue
- Coolors

If I missed any, you can add it below

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