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CEO of TTT Capital… my opinions not professional advice.

Aug 31, 2021, 9 tweets


NEW Website -


the most impressive OTC Gem is here and the DD is fire! MUST READ!!!

$UMPG has a great Share Structure with
✅ OS is 25,260,571
✅ Float is less than 5,049,824

the SS has been kept tight for over 5 years now and the company is “ PINK CURRENT” Status with TA updated daily… this means no shady BS like 99% of the tickers in the OTC.

$UMGP - CEO - Mike Sherman + Advisory Board.
Mike is a proven entrepreneur with huge success in the Radio and TV with long time syndicated TV shows currently airing on big TV networks. He brings with him a Massive Network with some of the biggest names in #Music, #Sports, #TV

$UMGP - 5 Revenue Streams for this Media company!

🔥 Before the Fame - Currently Airing on TV
🔥 On the Mike - Current Airing on TV
🔥 Suga & Sherm Podcast - NEW!
🔥 High School Icon - NEW!
🔥 NFT Market w/ Celebrity involvement! - NEW!

More projects coming in Q4 2021/Q1 2022!

$UMGP - "On the Mike"
🔥"broadcasted weekly on CBS affiliate WBFS, My Network TV in South Florida and was retained by Baruch Television Group and Baruch Entertainment”
🔥“In the coming weeks, and upon the completion of our SVOD platform"
🔥Over 100+ Episodes

$UMGP - "Before the Fame"
🔥“his next generation production where Mike Sherman gives you a glimpse of before and after these mega stars climb to fame “
🔥 Episodes include #DJKhaled, @MikeTyson , @iamjamiefoxx #DwayneWade, @LilTunechi, @SugaRashadEvans, @LamorneMorris

$UMGP - "Suga & Sherm Podcast"

🔥 New Weekly Podcast coming this fall with @SugaRashadEvans and Mike Sherman coming this FALL 2021
🔥🔥🔥 Line up announced: Mickey Rourke, @LamorneMorris , @GeorgesStPierre and @USMAN84kg!

$UMGP - "High School Icon"
🔥High School Icon TV Show and App coming! This “is setting up to be one of the nation’s premier television shows and social media networks.”
✅“The app will be BETA tested in Q4 2021 and the production will begin Q1 2022.”

$UMGP - "NFT Market"

🔥Mike Sherman has been working with many of these celebrities to memorialize many of those moments with an extensive Universal Media Group #NFT Collection. 
🔥🤑🔥 #Celebrities + #NFTs = 💸💰💲

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