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Sep 2, 2021, 8 tweets

#Dementia is currently the 7⃣th leading cause of death, affecting more than 5⃣5⃣ million people worldwide.

Here's why we should care about dementia πŸ‘‰

With a growing number of people living with #dementia, countries need to step up & put in place a national policy, strategy or plan for supporting people with dementia & their families.

πŸ†• WHO's dementia global status report explains πŸ‘‰

The disability associated with #dementia is a key driver of costs related to the condition.

In 2019 alone, the global cost of dementia was estimated to be USD1.3 trillion. More info πŸ‘‰

Globally, #dementia has a disproportionate impact on women.

6⃣5⃣% of total deaths due to dementia are in women
6⃣0⃣% more disability due to dementia in ♀️ than in ♂️
7⃣0⃣% of caregiver hours provided by women.

More details πŸ‘‰

The new WHO report showcases the progress made in the global response to #dementia. It includes latest data on

1⃣ dementia prevalence
2⃣ societal costs of the condition
3⃣ progress & challenges reported by countries.

More details πŸ‘‰

More support is needed for people with #dementia, in

βœ… primary health care
βœ… specialist care
βœ… community-based services
βœ… rehabilitation
βœ… long-term care
βœ… palliative care.

More info πŸ‘‰

Given the challenges #dementia carers face, more support should be provided, including

βœ… access to information
βœ… training and services
βœ… social and financial support.

More details πŸ‘‰

#Dementia is not an inevitable consequence of ageing.

WHO recommends urgent action in several areas to address the considerable challenges associated with dementia πŸ‘‡

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