Clean Air in London Profile picture
Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of @CleanAirLondon, has championed @WHO #AirQuality Guidelines to protect public health and fight #ClimateChange since 2006

Sep 3, 2021, 16 tweets

Official #CodeRed alert | Major particle #AirPollution episode building as winds slow and turn easterly. MODERATE #AirPollution in places every day until HIGH 7-8/10 by Monday night or Tuesday. Check updates and health advice

Thread 2/... Major ozone and particle #AirPollution episode building. HIGH ozone by Sunday and Monday evenings and HIGH particles by Monday morning in London and eastern England. MODERATE in many places HT @CopernicusECMWF…

Official #CodeRed | Serious widespread MODERATE or HIGH particle and/or ozone for most of England and Wales on Monday, Tuesday. Scotland also by Wednesday. Check updates and health advice

Thread 4/... It begins...

MODERATE-HIGH, ozone and particle #AirPollution is expected to hang over England until Wednesday as @UKHouseofLords debates whether to include amendments in #EnvironmentBill to protect people from it. Tuesday is #InternationalCleanAirDay for blue skies!?

Thread 6/..Please @BWallaceMP @DefenceHQ warn military on endurance exercises about MODERATE, possibly HIGH, ozone and particle #AirPollution this week and allow them to carry medication. Risk of death. ***This is not a drill*** cc @H_S_E @JocelynCockburn

7/.. Excellent warning from @MetClim

8/... Useful forecast from @bbcweather ('tho it should mention #AirPollution...)

9/... More deadly than pretty from @bbcweather

10/... Excellent forecast from @Netweather HT @jofwx…

11/... @DefraGovUK's #StOsyth monitoring data oddly disappears when it approaches triggering a national #CodeRed for ozone #AirPollution

12/... Astonishing. @DefraGovUK's data for #StOsyth #MaceHead and #Bournemouth have all now disappeared on the cusp of triggering a national #PollutionAlert!

13/... @DefraGovUK's failure to report ozone #AirPollution promptly at sites on the cusp of triggering a national #PollutionAlert as #CleanAir amendments to the #EnvironmentBill are debated on the eve of #InternationalCleanAirDay for #BlueSkies is shocking…

#CodeRed alert on #WorldCleanAirDay | @DefraGovUK warns of widespread MODERATE-HIGH (ozone and particle) #AirPollution episode in southern UK until Thursday. Their monitors most likely to trigger #PollutionAlert are offline and…

#AirPollution hangs over southern UK on dawn of #WorldCleanAirDay. #HealthyAirHealthyPlanet? Image: Charing Cross station, London

16/… Helpful advice from @AndyGrieveAir cc @SadiqKhan @sabrodrigues61

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