SafeEdForAll #SafeEdForAll Profile picture
Parent-led campaign raising awareness against needless infections in #UKSchools | Also at

Sep 7, 2021, 16 tweets

You may remember that on the 6th of August we wrote to a number of politicians who have responsibilities that include education.
Here’s our original letter;

Well today, a full month later, we have had ONE reply.

This one is from the DfE.

We’ll post each page of the response in the comments below, let us know what YOU think about this response.

Page 1 - mentions disruption but not unnecessary infections due to lack of mitigations

Page 2 - attendance mandatory, doesn’t mention the HT discretion that @NickGibbUK confirmed to @publiclawcentre last year

Page 3 - Masks - please note ‘decision followed the latest scientific evidence’
@trishgreenhalgh @Zubhaque @dgurdasani1 would you agree?

Page 4 - perhaps of particular interest to @LongCovidKids

Page 5 - perhaps of particular interest to @mishwoz @hazardscampaign @grahamja51 @amhobbs3

Point 4 may be of interest to SAGE & @IndependentSage members ‘responded to latest scientific advice and guidance’ really? @allthecitizens

Page 6 - @DrEricDing see U.K. advice regarding lunch times at school! Surface cleaning! It’s okay to mix hundreds of unmasked, unvaccinated students together in dining halls apparently!

Page 7 - does anyone else struggle to believe that the @educationgovuk has a shared goal with @SafeEdForAll_uk? The DfE don’t seem to want to STOP UNNECESSARILY AND KNOWINGLY EXPOSING CHILDREN, SCHOOL STAFF & THEIR FAMILIES TO INCREASED RISK OF INFECTION - THAT’S OUR GOAL

Our conclusion from the @educationgovuk response to our letter 👇

This is following the science 👇

Can any science teachers volunteer to explain to @educationgovuk @GavinWilliamson @NickGibbUK @halfon4harlowMP that #COVIDisAirborne?

Unsure if they have the academic aptitude to grasp any complex explanations, so keep your lesson plan simple.

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