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Views are my own; Correspondent; Commentator

Sep 7, 2021, 25 tweets

The next time you witness "irregular marketing" of the #Covid vaccine, show them this.
Bill & Melinda Gates; forced vaccinations and uninformed consent πŸ’‰
"The Gates Foundation funded experimental malaria and meningitis vaccine trials across Africa and HPV vaccine programs in...

"[T]hey are increasingly shaping the agenda of international organizations and governments." -Encouraged by the UN
Philanthropic #P3 well suited in addressing "sustainable development challenges... in implementing a post-2015 development agenda." [Agenda 2030, Sust Dev G]

"Recent reports of human rights abuses" "from Gates Foundation funded vaccine trials in Africa and India."

Why in the hell are we doing this?? πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

GF, Microsoft, WHO...

Concentrates on issues related to vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, child health 🀬 and "control of disease-transmitting mosquitoes."

The most prominent partnerships: GAVI, PATH, AND WHO πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

The Foundation purchased shares in 9 #BigPharma companies. This level of investment "affords a high amount of influence over the global agenda."
GAVI, includes 4 πŸ”‘ members: Gates, WHO, UNICEF, WORLD BANK;
Gates retains permanent seat on GAVI BOD.

"Thus, donor interests drive the budget and agenda."

"The Government of India persists that there is a possibility of a connection according to their own studies."
"[T]he Committee found certain violations related to registration and approval status of PATH to operate and conduct trials in India, informed consent procedures...

compensation and treatment in the event of injury or death and conflicts of interest."
The ICMR supported PATH: "the nature of the project did not require them to follow clinical trial rules."
"The investigation revealed violations related to informed consent procedures."

"The clinical trial [*] was described as a post-licensure observational study."
The trial did not provide for urgent expert medical attn "in case of serious adverse events, were anticipated to occur."

Informed consent "for human subjects were blatantly violated."
Deemed "violations in breach of human rights because of the treatment to the children used in the trial."

"The Report" recommends a single point of registration; they conclude the answer is an "umbrella agency". See the #PATRIOTACT2 & #NOVAXPORT - Not going to happen.
How about we have stiffer penalties for #Nuremberg Code violations?

The Indian Parliamentary Cmte:
It is well known that once introduced into the πŸ’‰ program, "it becomes politically impossible to stop any vaccination."
Children 6-12 weeks & 5-17 months; Malaria vaccine; Version RTS,S "manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline."
"Meningitis Vax Project" #MP

The Gates Foundation provides funding to this organization [Foundation for the NIH πŸ‘€]. Thus, there is a conflict of interest."

Partners executed vax programs, "all with similar non-binding guidelines to govern clinical trials with human participants."

World Bank

Source pdf link for Bill & Melinda Gates Fdn violations:…

Thank you .@Shorty56167141

WHO, GAVI VAX Alliance, Clinton Global/Fellowship, BG Fdn...

#ID2020, World Food Program, Cambridge, Yale...

Cross-ref cxn:


ID2020 Coalition, Bill Gates "Conspiracy"....

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