Koshiek Karan Profile picture
Leadership on finance, fitness & fulfilment 📈👟✨//Serial entrepreneur & investor // Certified Personal Trainer (ISSA-CPT) // Founder: @banker__x, @flexwellness

Sep 7, 2021, 7 tweets

how does he do it?

this man's tweets have preceded a price drop 8 out of 8 times perfectly

that's better hit rate than Mia Khalifa, Meek Mill & Soulja Boy

you vs. the guy she told you not to worry about

update 😭😭😭

just look at this volatility...

now if you're holding a heavily leveraged position out here you're getting rinsed 💦💦💦

won't even hit a margin warning, straight clean out

@djsbu can tell your intentions come from a good place. These streets desperately need more educational content on crypto ++ major help getting their hustles on lock

If you ever want to jump on a Space to tag team & talk crypto hmu. We have the same end goal 💪🏽💪🏽

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